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    Our Sixth Form core and extended curriculum is broad, varied and designed to allow students the pleasure of abundant choice and the opportunity to discover what they are good at and flourish in their areas of strength. A distinctive part of our offer is the ability to study subjects that are not traditionally available in state sixth forms such as the broad range of Classics subjects as well as the History of Art and Philosophy A Levels. We are committed to providing the opportunities and support for students to develop skills which will enable them to take responsibility for their own learning and lives. We endeavour to achieve excellence in the provision of teaching and learning and appropriate high-quality progression.

    We aim to give our students strong grounding in order to pursue their studies at ambitious higher education institutions, be that Russell Group Universities, Oxbridge, Medical Schools, Art schools or Music conservatoires.

    We encourage students to engage in the wider community by facilitating exposure to a variety of professions and external institutions. Our aim is for our students to leave us having fulfilled their academic potential and having a clearer idea of, and interest in, the world around them so that they become active and well-informed citizens.

    Core Curriculum

     We follow a two-year 3 A Level programme of study. We offer A Level subjects in

    In addition, we offer the option for students to study AS Further Mathematics in year 13.

    The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

    An important component to our provision is the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which is a popular option with our students and serves as strong preparation for independent study and research at undergraduate level. 


    The Sixth Form PSHE curriculum is delivered at the same time as the main school PSHE curriculum, during Period 3 on Monday and builds on the knowledge and skills developed during KS4. Year 13 begins with a 4-week programme around Sexual Harassment and Consent. The aim of the sixth form PSHE programme is to equip our sixth form students with an armoury to not only navigate the sixth form journey and the challenges this holds but also to be well-prepared for life in the wider world.


    Extracurricular programme

    At Sixth Form we aim to provide a holistic education. We have a broad range of opportunities which we offer to the students in order to develop well-rounded and engaged individuals.

    Enrichment Studies

    All students are encouraged to take part in an Enrichment Study class, which is a timetabled part of the provision with an option to attend on either Wednesday afternoons or Friday mornings. These courses are a one-year study programme and designed to give students an opportunity to broaden their knowledge, expertise or experience. We offer enrichment in:

    • GCSE Ancient Greek
    • Brazilian Portuguese for beginners
    • Chamber choir
    • Debating
    • History of Ideas
    • Meditation
    • Playmakers - reading and staging theatre
    • Symphony Orchestra
    • Big Band
    • Ceramics
    • Code breaking, ciphers and logic puzzles
    • Football
    • Jazz Band
    • Modern Greek for beginners
    • Product Design

    Student Magazine – Sixth Sense

    A group of CSG students write and publish a termly magazine, Sixth Sense, which captures the ethos and diversity of the sixth form student body. With social and political commentary, reviews and recommendations, recipes and poetry, the Sixth Sense is a celebration and the voice of future change makers.

    Sixth Form Speakers Programme

    We host a weekly high-profile Speakers Programme aimed at giving sixth form students exposure to diverse voices, career paths and subject matters. Diversity is really key in terms of helping students embrace their own narrative and begin to redefine future perception by seeing themselves in future leadership roles. The programme takes place as a timetabled activity, Period 4 on Monday and all students are expected to attend.


    We publish a programme of Masterclasses each term delivered by external, often high-profile lecturers as well as our own staff. The aim of the masterclasses is to give the students a further opportunity to engage with their subjects above and beyond the confines of the A Level specification. This is an essential programme for students considering an Oxbridge application and for all students to build a deeper understanding of subjects at university level. The masterclasses themes range from topics such as Rethinking Economics by Mariana Mazzucato to Mathematics in Art by Mr Howard, Head of the Mathematics Department. We open up some of our Masterclasses to the parents as well as students and host these in the evening to give the wider school community a chance to engage with prominent speakers.

    Student Led Societies

    Our proactive and dedicated sixth form prefect team coordinate the student-led societies and clubs, which are run in the sixth form and the main school. The aim of these clubs is to give students additional leadership opportunities and increase the range of forums for debate, learning and further enrichment. Current societies include LGBTQ+, Badminton Club, Karate Club, Film Society and Hispanic Society.


    Our Sixth Form Prefects team, in collaboration with the Head Girls Team, run a number of events during the school year, including extensive fundraising for charity. Regular annual events include the McMillan coffee morning, Pink Week, Bake Sales and Jumble Sales. The team also writes and organises the Christmas pantomime as well as a range of other performances throughout the school year. These student lead activities provide students with leadership opportunities as well as social and political engagement.