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    Contact Us

    Camden School for Girls
    Sandall Road
    NW5 2DB


    Main Contact: Ms J Tani
    Telephone:  020 7485 3414 (main switchboard)
    General Email:
    Main School Admissions:

    Sixth Form Email:
    Sixth Form Admissions: 

    How to find us:

    We are on Sandall Road, less than a mile from Camden Town. The nearest tube stations are Kentish Town (Northern Line) and Camden Town (Northern Line). The overground Camden Road station is less than five minutes walk from the school.

    There is very limited parking space in the school grounds for visitors, who may have to park on the road at a meter. Be warned that traffic wardens are vigilant!

    If you require a paper copy of the information on the website, feel free to contact us.